Cheers for high-rise house buyers
In making the announcement, State Housing, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo said the new Act was introduced to replace Act 663 or the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007.
It was reported that the new law allows both the landlords and tenants to be brought to court, compared to the previous Act which only allowed action to be taken against the landlord.
Gazetted in 2013 but still awaiting all states in Malaysia to endorse it, the Act streamlines the issuance of strata title and makes it faster for an owner to obtain it from the housing developer.
Besides this, it will impose higher penalties for non-compliance, put more responsibilities on the housing developer for the strata buildings and make sure the management of strata properties is more responsible.
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the Act would ensure that application for strata titles, the management of buildings and the issues involved would be eased.
“The state exco decided today to give its endorsement so that there will be no disruption to application for strata titles.
“At the same time, we decided to show our willingness to cooperate with the Federal Government by endorsing the Strata Management Act which was approved by the state exco just now during our meeting.
“This means that Penang will be a part of the national implementation of the new Act,” he told a press conference in Komtar yesterday.
Lim added that the endorsement was important as around 60% of housing on the island were stratified units. - The Star/Asia News Network
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