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Showing posts with label Business & Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business & Economy. Show all posts

Monday, 24 March 2025

Getting it right


US-china trade needs to improve as much as their bilateral relationship deserves much better, but not at the present rate.

Auto ambition: With limited competition abroad but hypercompetition at home, China’s EV industry has powered ahead. — AFP


HE constant stream of major global events can be disorienting, particularly when their consequences spin off to produce secondary effects.

Worse, self-interested politics enters as a disabling narrative to make factual understanding more difficult. How to make sense of all this?

One way is to identify the root causes and critically analyse how they develop and proceed. Factual accuracy in descriptions and definitions always helps, while imprecision makes everything more difficult.

Much relates to a rising China and the state of US-China relations. With the world’s biggest economies, theirs is the most critical bilateral relationship for the world and also the most politically fraught. 

In 2004 China displaced the US as Japan’s main trade partner. The following year it displaced the US as the world’s biggest consumer market.

In 2006 the EU became China’s biggest trade partner while China became the EU’s second-biggest. In 2009 China displaced the US as Africa’s main trade partner, and in 2010 it beat Japan as the world’s second-largest economy.

China’s external trade covered a wide range of goods and services as its productive forces gained critical mass. In the process, industrial clout came not simply from resources and scale but also strong production ecosystems and supply chains, including a skilled workforce.

China quickly developed as the “world’s factory” with the Global North’s industries choosing to relocate production there. They flocked to establish factories in China offering the best returns on investment.

But while foreign companies retained older technology like internal combustion engines (ICE), China prioritised electric vehicles (EVs) to cut air pollution and dependence on imported oil. There was no domestic oil lobby to derail EV development, only government encouragement instead.

With limited competition abroad but hypercompetition at home, China’s EV industry powered ahead. That meant a quick and considerable lead in technology and marketing overseas.

In 2009 China surpassed the US as the world’s largest automobile market. This spanned both ICE vehicles and EVs, with a muted but growing market for the latter.

In 2020 China displaced the US as the EU’s top trading partner. That same year it acquired the world’s largest foreign exchange reserves, developed the finest fintech, and had the most companies listed in the Fortune Global 500.

China’s auto production was booming, exploding into a global market hungry for sophisticated yet affordable vehicles. China fulfilled that need better than any other country.

In 2021 Chinese auto exports surpassed South Korea’s, and the following year it displaced Germany as the world’s second-biggest exporter. Within months China beat Japan as the world’s top auto exporter.

Much the same is happening with other sectors, if at different growth rates. China continues rising through the rapid development of multiple industries, particularly when several foreign markets remain unexplored or under-served.

Western automobile manufacturers in China felt a need to work more with Chinese companies, particularly on EVs and hybrids. They prefer joint ventures to discriminatory tariffs or sanctions on Chinese vehicles from their governments.

Yet last April US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visited China to complain about “excess capacity” and “overproduction”. It was more a political point than an economic argument.

Excess capacity is surplus productive capability over and above what is needed or appropriate. Overproduction is the additional goods produced and left idle because of insufficient demand.

As the world’s factory with regional markets still untapped, China has no excess capacity or overproduction. High Western tariffs to stifle demand may create a semblance of either, but artificially inducing a situation to accuse Chinese industry of it is dishonest.

Sometimes dumping happens with a specific commodity temporarily, typically for an intermediate or upstream item. But that is different.

After Joe Biden’s administration acted against Chinese EVs, batteries and solar panels, they shifted to markets in Russia, Latin America, Central Asia, Africa and South-East Asia. China is a global producer, and since there is no global overcapacity or overproduction, it is not engaging in either.

Chinese industry’s ultra-competitiveness seriously challenges US industry, notably in the latter’s obsolete business models. Regaining US global competitiveness requires extensive retooling, not distorted narratives.

From 2011, China has consistently been the world’s top patent applicant country. Each year it graduates more STEM students than the US population has in total, having produced the most STEM PhDs every year since 2007.

In 2021 China beat the US in its national share of published high-impact AI papers. In the same year it also displaced the US with the highest national net worth.

Such data from established Western sources also noted in 2023 that China had seven of the world’s top 10 universities conducting leading scientific research. Last year China had six of the world’s top 10 STEM institutions.

The US is now denying students from China study visas. America would be greater in training more American students without restraining others who pay to be there.

By Bunn Nagar,  Director and Senior Fellow of the BRI Caucus (Asia-Pacific), and Honorary Fellow at the Perak Academy. The views expressed here are solely the writer’s own.

Friday, 29 November 2024

The Second China International Supply Chain Expo Opens in Beijing, Those who claim China is waging ‘supply chain warfare’ have got wrong playbook

The second China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) opened in Beijing on Tuesday, bringing together 620 companies and institutions from around the world to showcase their products, technologies and solutions.

Reporters talk to the camera at the 2nd China International Supply Chain Expo, which kicked off on November 26 in Beijing. Photo: Chen Tao/GT

A recent article in The New York Times accused China of waging so-called supply chain warfare by sanctioning the American drone company Skydio. The article also mentioned a Global Times editorial titled "US company sanctioned by China 'cries out in pain,' tearing off American façade," but it failed to acknowledge that Skydio was sanctioned by China due to its involvement in US arms sales to Taiwan island. Inventing new terms to exert the discourse hegemony and label other countries, including China, is a typical tactic employed by some US media and think tanks. 

Currently, the second China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) is being held in Beijing, attracting over 620 companies, institutions, and international organizations, a 20 percent increase from the inaugural expo. One notable feature of this year's expo is the joint exhibition booths set up by Chinese and foreign companies. 

For example, Apple and its Chinese suppliers are exhibiting together; German company Bosch, Chinese electric vehicle maker Xpeng, global mining and materials company Rio Tinto, and China Baowu Steel Group are showcasing their collaboration in an industrial chain partnership; and New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra is displaying its green agriculture supply chain alongside Chinese partners. Clearly, these companies want cooperation. None of them would agree with The New York Times' claim that China is waging "supply chain warfare."

The supply chain emerged alongside global industrial division and cooperation, serving as a "win-win chain" that benefits all countries. The successful hosting of the CISCE is a strong testament to this. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, who appeared at this year's CISCE, praised the event, saying "I think it's a very great expo, a tour de force of innovation." 

In fact, since the 1990s, economic globalization has developed rapidly, significantly reducing the costs of multinational collaboration. Many companies have enhanced the quantity and quality of supply chains through the global division of labor, outsourcing, and cooperation, maximizing the comparative advantages of various countries while also increasing employment and enhancing people's well-being.

However, a few countries, such as the US, have initiated "supply chain warfare," transforming the "win-win chain" into a "blockade chain" and a "confrontation chain." This has caused disruptions and damage to the originally smooth-running global supply chain. These countries narrowly view trade deficits as "losses," forcibly swaying public opinion, and attempting to reverse so-called "unfair trade" through imposing additional tariffs. The ultimate result is that domestic consumers pay higher price. 

A few countries feel uneasy and anxious about China's rising status in the global supply chain, which has led them to strengthen control over key technologies, critical resources, and essential links. They artificially politicize and weaponize the supply chain, promoting "decoupling," building "small yard, high fences," and abandoning international cooperation based on the resource endowments and comparative advantages of various countries. They enforce the "de-sinicization" of multinational companies' supply chains and reduce their own dependence on Chinese products. As a result, the institutional costs of supply chain cooperation are continuously increasing, undermining the original advantages of high efficiency and low costs, while adding more and more uncertainty and instability.

The reason the supply chain is referred to as a "win-win chain" lies in the fact that it is not merely a simple accumulation of independent links, but rather a complex system that is tightly interconnected and interdependent, formed over a long period of time through the collaboration of various countries, enterprises, talents, technologies, and regulations. Just as the skeletal and nervous systems of the human body are the cornerstones of sustaining life, every link and component of the supply chain is an organic part of the normal functioning of the global economy. Once this organic structure is damaged, it is akin to a broken bone or dislocated joint in the human body, and the difficulty of repair far exceeds the superficial loss. When the global supply chain experiences "dislocation" due to political interference, many long-accumulated structural advantages cease to exist. Although the supply of certain products or resources can be restructured, the deep cooperative relationships formed historically are difficult to repair. Furthermore, the rupture of a single link can trigger a chain reaction, leading to the accumulation of systemic risks in the global economy.

The supply chain belongs to the world, not to any single company or country, and it should not be used as a weapon. In the era of economic globalization, only by adhering to open cooperation in global industrial and supply chains can we achieve win-win development. China is committed to promoting the establishment of an open world economic system and maintaining the stability and smooth operation of global industrial and supply chains. It is not only a participant and beneficiary of the global industrial and supply chain cooperation but also a steadfast defender and builder of economic globalization. Those who claim that China is waging "supply chain warfare" have got the wrong playbook.

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Saturday, 19 October 2024

What’s in the RM421bil 2025 budget


Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim tabled the 2025 budget, of which RM335 billion, or 79.6%, accounted for operational expenditure. (Bernama


Prime minister and finance minister Anwar Ibrahim has tabled the 2025 federal government budget, with a total allocation of RM421 billion.

This represents a RM27.2 billion increase compared with the RM393.8 billion that was allocated for 2024, and is the first time that the budget has exceeded RM400 billion. 

Operational expenditure accounts for RM335 billion, or 79.6%, while RM86 billion is allocated for development expenditure.

Here are the highlights of the 2025 budget:

Economy and investments

GLICs to invest RM120 billion domestically over the next five years. RM25 billion is allocated for next year, while projects worth RM9 billion will be developed through public-private partnerships.

Government to introduce the New Investment Incentive Framework in the third quarter of 2025. RM1 billion in investment funds will be allocated to train local talent and encourage high-value activities.

RM300 million for Khazanah’s National Fund-of-Funds to support investment in startups.

Development and utilities

Allocation for the National Energy Transition Facility raised to RM300 million for 2025 from RM100 million this year.

The Net Energy Metering programme is extended to June 30, 2025, for the installation of photovoltaic solar panels.

RM1 billion for the green technology financing scheme.

UEM Lestra and TNB to invest RM16 billion to improve transmission and distribution networks as well as to decarbonise industrial areas.

All government agencies to sign energy performance contracts to slash electric bills by 10%.


Sales tax to be imposed on premium imported food items like salmon and avocado from May 1.

Service tax will be widened to include commercial services, including businesses like fee-based financial services.

Full implementation of the expanded SST starts May 1, 2025.

2% tax on dividend income of more than RM100,000 earned by individual shareholders. This will start from the 2025 assessment year.

Carbon tax to be imposed on steel, iron and energy industries in 2026, to encourage use of low-carbon technology.

Individual income tax relief for education and medical insurance premiums raised to RM4,000.

Tax exemption on foreign-sourced income extended until Dec 31, 2036.

Additional 50% tax deduction for employers who hire women returning to the workforce.


Targeted subsidies for RON95 petrol to be implemented mid-2025.


RM64.1 billion in total allocated to the education ministry.

RM2 billion to upgrade and maintain schools nationwide.

Construction of 44 new schools nationwide to commence next year.

RM870 million for the supplementary food programme in schools.

Nearly RM800 million for early schooling aid.

RM18 billion for the higher education ministry.

RM4 billion for scholarships, loans, and education allowances.

RM500 million provided by PTPTN for students in STEM-related courses in public universities.

Tax relief for savings in the National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) extended by three more years.

RM20 million for UiTM to produce more engineers in the semiconductor sector.

RM50 million to teach AI-related subjects at all research universities.

RM600 million for research and development under the higher education and science, technology and innovation ministries.

RM7.5 billion allocated for TVET.

RM55 million for GiatMara and community colleges to train 10,000 children from tahfiz and pondok schools over five years.

RM120 million for MCMC to improve internet connectivity at public universities, schools, military camps and Mara institutions.

RM300 million to build two new special needs schools, one focussing exclusively on autism.


RM45.3 billion for the health ministry.

RM1.35 billion for maintaining and repairing health facilities.

Government to raise excise duty on sugary drinks by RM0.40 per litre, starting Jan 1, 2025.


RM19.5 billion for the home ministry.

RM560 million to enhance border security.

RM21.2 billion for the defence ministry.

RM5.8 billion to maintain and repair assets of the armed forces.

Allocation for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) increased to RM360 million from RM338 million.

RM20 million to strengthen the National Scam Response Centre.

Additional staffing of 100 people for the National Cyber Security Agency (Nacsa), along with an additional allocation of RM10 million.


The Ecological Fiscal Transfer fund to be raised to RM250 million to support state efforts in protecting forests and wildlife.

Social welfare

RM13 billion for Rahmah cash aid initiatives, compared with RM10 billion this year. This increase will benefit 60% of the adult population.

4.1 million households will get RM100 in cash aid a month, compared with 700,000 households this year. The cash will be credited into the MyKad of recipients from April 2025, and can only be spent on essential goods.

Singles will get RM600 each.

Social welfare department to get RM2.9 billion, compared with RM2.4 billion in 2024.

Senior citizen aid increased from RM500 to RM600 a month.

Low-income families to get RM250 in aid for each child aged six and under; RM200 for each child aged seven to 18. This is higher compared with RM200 and RM150, respectively, for 2024. This is however capped at RM1,000 per family.

The federal territories general aid is raised from RM100 a month to RM150, with a cap of RM500 per family.

RM300 million for an enhanced Rahmah programme to offer essential goods at reasonable prices.

RM250 million to enroll more low-income individuals in the People’s Income Initiative (IPR).

RM84 million to upgrade facilities at New Villages.

Income eligibility for disabled worker aid relaxed to RM1,700 a month.

Additional tax relief for disabled couples raised to RM6,000.

Additional tax relief for taxpayers with unmarried disabled children raised to RM8,000.

Aid for army veterans raised from RM300 to RM500.


Nearly RM900 million for 48 People’s Residency Programmes and 14 Rumah Mesra Rakyat projects.

RM12.8 billion in guarantees for over 57,000 first-time home buyers, with ongoing guarantees of RM10 billion for 20,000 buyers.

Jobs and community support

Minimum wage raised from RM1,500 to RM1,700 per month, effective Feb 1, 2025.

Enforcement of the new wage will be postponed for employers with fewer than five employees for six months (starting Aug 1, 2025).

RM200 million allocated to carry out the Progressive Wage Policy.

GiatMara to provide short-term training for 3,000 gig workers.

The EPF i-Saraan incentive is raised to 20% from 15%, subject to a cap of RM500 a year or RM5,000 in a lifetime.

Government to make it mandatory for foreign workers to contribute to EPF. This will be done in stages.

Rural communities

RM100 million for services like mobile clinics to cater to rural communities.

RM2.9 billion to upgrade basic infrastructure in rural areas.

RM380 million for the Orang Asli from RM330 million this year.

Civil Service

On-call duty allowance for medical and dental officers to be increased between RM55 and RM65, depending on the department.

Over RM1.8 billion for the construction, maintenance, and renovation of civil servants’ quarters.

RM500 in special cash aid for civil servants Grade 56 and below.


Prasarana to provide vans to shuttle students from selected train stations at the cost of 50 sen per ride.

RM2.8 billion to maintain federal roads. RM1 million earmarked for secondary, Felda and industrial roads, as well as roads damaged due to floods.

RM5.5 billion for maintenance of state roads.


RM60 million in grants for rubber smallholders.

RM100 million in incentives for smallholders to replant oil palm.

RM2.6 billion for Felda, Felcra and Risda.

Industries and businesses

Multi-tier levy to be implemented in early 2025 to reduce reliance on foreign workers.

RM200 million for Retirement Fund Incorporated (KWAP) to invest in local startups.

RM50 million in matching grants for local entrepreneurs to digitalise.

RM3.2 billion for micro loans from Tekun and BSN for small traders, including the disabled, Chinese and Bumiputera communities.

RM800 million in funds under Mara and PUNB for Bumiputera entrepreneurs, including artisans.

RM1.3 billion to empower G1-G4 contractors to undertake small and medium projects.

Agriculture and food security

RM300 million to collaborate on agricultural projects with state governments to boost local food production.

RM1 billion for initiatives to control prices and supply of goods.

Tourism, arts and culture

Almost RM550 million to enhance tourism promotions and activities for Visit Malaysia 2026.

RM110 million for improving tourist facilities, pursuing Unesco nominations for various cultural sites, and establishing ecotourism cooperation.

RM600 million to restore key cultural sites in Kuala Lumpur.

RM50 million for Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka to collaborate with language activists in promoting language and literary activities.

Youth and sports

RM50 million for PLKN (National Service Training programme) 3.0.

RM25 million for the Rakan Muda programme.

RM230 million for national sports development.

RM15 million for Harimau Malaya and the Under-18 and Under-13 teams.

Sabah and Sarawak

Sabah and Sarawak will get RM6.7 billion and RM5.9 billion in development funds, respectively.

Special grants for Sabah and Sarawak doubled to RM600 million in 2025.

Over RM200 million for flights to interiors in Sabah and Sarawak.

Disaster management

RM150 million to mitigate flash floods.

RM600 million for the National Disaster Management Agency to prepare for flood disasters.

RM250 million allocated for slope repairs nationwide.

RM20 million for GLIC and GLC foundations to help them provide aid to flood victims.

Islamic affairs

RM2 billion for Islamic affairs.

Halal Development Corporation to merge with Matrade.

RM100 million matching grant to encourage the development of new Islamic finance solutions.

Jakim to hire 100 halal auditors.

RM200 million for the Urban Development Authority to develop affordable homes on waqf land.

RM35 million for Kafa teachers, imams and related personnel.

Laws and legal reforms

Allocation for the legal affairs department raised from RM194 million to RM209 million.

RM200 million for the national audit department, an increase from RM173 million.

Government to form a law reform committee to update commercial laws.

RM60 million for the judiciary to upgrade its infrastructure, including the e-Kehakiman system.

RM25 million for the Special Agency Reform Task Force (STAR).


RM27 million allocated to the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) to bust cartels.

50 acres from the Bandar Malaysia project designated as Malay reserve land.

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elated post:

Have they, not just politicians, civil servants no shame?

 With billions being spent on Budget 2025, it is important that the money reaches the people, and is not siphoned off by the corrupt and kept in ‘safe houses’. Good must triumph.


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