任正非接受中央广播电视总台等媒体采访,任正非:美国政客低估华为的力量;摩根士丹利:美加征关税或致全球经济衰退;东航正式就波音737,MAX停飞损失向波音公司提出索赔。 《中国财经报道》原“整点财经”,联通全天频道财经资讯滚动递进式播出,形成频道财经资讯流。向受众提供即时国内国际财经新闻资讯,及时报道足以影响普通投资者重大利益的变化。
专家批驳“美国重建中国论” 纯属荒谬说法 中国发展靠自己
中国财经报道》 任正非:美国政客低估华为的力量
任正非接受中央广播电视总台等媒体采访,任正非:美国政客低估华为的力量;摩根士丹利:美加征关税或致全球经济衰退;东航正式就波音737,MAX停飞损失向波音公司提出索赔。 《中国财经报道》原“整点财经”,联通全天频道财经资讯滚动递进式播出,形成频道财经资讯流。向受众提供即时国内国际财经新闻资讯,及时报道足以影响普通投资者重大利益的变化。
【栏目介绍】 离你最近的热点新闻,给你最快的新闻现场,予你最深的剖析解读,《今日亚洲》栏目携手亚洲30家强势媒体,独家资源、权威学者、专业制作,倾力打造亚太时事述评新闻高地。
#財經八點檔 #非凡貿易戰 #華為【栏目介绍】 离你最近的热点新闻,给你最快的新闻现场,予你最深的剖析解读,《今日亚洲》栏目携手亚洲30家强势媒体,独家资源、权威学者、专业制作,倾力打造亚太时事述评新闻高地。
【財經八點檔】暫緩禁令90天美國怕了?華為嗆沒意義 中國網友力挺:全面拋棄蘋果! 商用到軍用"大疆"好神!白宮盯上中國無人機巨頭控竊密│非凡新聞│20190521
专家批驳“美国重建中国论” 纯属荒谬说法 中国发展靠自己
Huawei products should not be linked to politics: Ren
U.S. ban not to affect Huawei's high-end and 5G products: Ren
Huawei is a commercial company, and the use of its products is a choice for consumers based on their likes and should not be linked to politics, said Ren Zhengfei, founder and president of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. on Tuesday.
Ren made the remarks after the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce put Huawei and its affiliates on an "Entity List," which would restrict the sale or transfer of U.S. technologies to the company. The ban has triggered opposition from markets worldwide.
Huawei maintains mass production capacities for specific key components, including chips, and the U.S. ban will not result in negative business growth, Ren told reporters.
The telecommunications giant projected slower but positive growth this year.
Huawei posted a 39 percent year-on-year revenue growth in the first quarter of the year. The growth has slowed slightly in the second quarter, but the slowing will not hurt the company, Ren said.
"Huawei had made preparations for the extreme situations even before the Chinese Lunar New Year," he said.
He noted, however, that it would not reject the U.S. supply chain, citing Huawei's announced purchase of 50 million chips from Qualcomm in 2018.
"As long as the U.S. government allows U.S. companies to export the components, Huawei will continue to buy while sticking to its own research and development," he said.
Ren said he appreciated the support of a large number of U.S. components suppliers over the years, and they are also lobbying for the easing of U.S. government-imposed restrictions.
He said Huawei is also in talks with companies like Google for potential remedy solutions, he said.
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Ren's mind-set fit to face down US
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